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These Terms and Conditions state the rules of the Joyday that every visitor and user must comply with. If you use our site, you agree fully to the terms and conditions therein.

If you have any questions about the terms and conditions of this site please send an email to is the official site of Joyday. This website is run and managed by PT. Green Asia Food Indonesia. users are welcome to open this site in private or both commercial or non-commercial organizations.

Using for the purpose of promoting any use and / or copying of content in the form of articles, photos, videos or other materials from shall include a logo with hyperlinks from as well as the materials retrieval page from This rule refers to Intellectual Property Rights protected by applicable law in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

The technical rules of intact and / or partial retrieval (more than 2 paragraphs) of content quotations and or other material retrieval either intact or subsequently eligible shall be affixed to the logo with the hyperlink of Joyday at the beginning of the title. Also at the end of the article (bottom) is also required to include hyperlinks from the article and / or materials retrieval page at

Related to the utilization by the organization, for example tour operators promoting travel packages can then include outbound links to other sites. You are not allowed to promote anything in ways that may be categorized as SPAM (ex links that elicit comments from others).

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